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A large top handle bag in leather printed with the tiger, which has quickly become a distinctive Gucci detail. The detachable shoulder strap features ..
A large Soho hobo in our light, natural grain leather with an embossed interlocking G.Large size: 14"W x 12"H x 6"DTop handles with 7" dropAdjustable ..
A new Soho takes shape for the Fall Winter 2016 collection, a simple top handle bag with a structured bottom and optional shoulder strap. Made in our ..
A new Soho takes shape for the Fall Winter 2016 collection, a simple top handle bag with a structured bottom and optional shoulder strap. Made in our ..
A new Soho takes shape for the Fall Winter 2016 collection, a simple top handle bag with a structured bottom and optional shoulder strap. Made in our ..
A new addition to the Sylvie collection, this top handle shape features nylon Web straps finished with metal tips. The Gucci Web is also embedded unde..
A new addition to the Sylvie collection, this top handle shape features nylon Web straps finished with metal tips. The Gucci Web is also embedded unde..
Sylvie bag in a beautiful top handle shape with nylon Web embedded under the leather and decorated with a gold chain and buckle.Medium size: 12.5"W x ..
Gucci Vintage Web Original GG boston bag 247205-4080This most-loved bag fuses smart sophisticated style with recognizable brand identity. A proven sta..
Medium-size Gucci XL tote in GG Supreme canvas printed with a floral motif and embroidered with intricate bird, bee and cloud appliqués. Finished wit..
A symbolic emblem from the Gucci Garden, the butterfly has become synonymous with the House. The winged motif is interpreted for Cruise fully encruste..
A symbolic emblem from the Gucci Garden, the butterfly has become synonymous with the House. The winged motif is interpreted for Cruise in metal with ..
The Dionysus hobo is a new shape this season complete with the tiger heard closure-a unique detail referencing the Greek god Dionysus, who in myth is ..