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Beetles, moths, ladybugs and butterflies-a few of the symbols seen throughout the Fall Winter 2017 collection-appear on a collection of leather top ha..
A small leather top handle bag with printed snakeskin detail along the flap and snake head closure. The snake is often associated with the image of Li..
A leather top handle bag with printed snakeskin detail along the flap and snake head closure. The snake is often associated with the image of Lilith, ..
A special limited edition chain strap bag, featuring red leather trims and embroideries on GG Supreme. The appliqué features a kingsnake and heart em..
A medium structured leather top handle bag with bamboo handle featuring cream pearl details, referencing Greek and Latin myths surrounding the pearl a..
A medium structured leather top handle bag with bamboo handle featuring cream pearl details, referencing Greek and Latin myths surrounding the pearl a..
A small structured leather top handle bag with bamboo handles featuring cream pearl details, referencing Greek and Latin myths surrounding the pearl a..
A small structured leather top handle bag with bamboo handle featuring cream pearl details, referencing Greek and Latin myths surrounding the pearl an..
Crafted in GG Supreme canvas with inlaid Web stripe detail, the chain strap shoulder bag boasts a vintage inspired design. The structured shape secure..
Originally influenced by the flowing dresses of Indian dancers, the baiadera fabric is brought back from the House's archives and reinterpreted with t..
Crafted in GG Supreme canvas with inlaid Web stripe detail, the chain strap shoulder bag boasts a vintage inspired design. The structured shape secure..
The shoulder bag is defined by an archival metal lock closure with an enameled feline head with red Swarovski eyes. The feline head has become a recog..
Originally influenced by the flowing dresses of Indian dancers, the baiadera fabric is brought back from the House's archives and reinterpreted with t..
A recurring motif of this season, the tiger head finished with colored enamel and sparkling crystals is inspired by a vintage piece from legendary fas..
The tiger head defines this collection of bags, finished with colored enamel and sparkling crystals inspired by a vintage piece from legendary fashion..
A large shoulder bag with a softly structured shape. The chain straps have a leather shoulder detail. Made in heat debossed soft Gucci Signature leath..
A medium boston bag with a softly structured shape. Made in heat debossed soft Gucci Signature leather with a defined print and firm texture-an update..
A small top handle bag in leather printed with a coiled kingsnake-a symbol thought to represent wisdom and power, which has quickly become a distincti..
A large top handle bag in leather printed with the tiger, which has quickly become a distinctive Gucci detail. The detachable shoulder strap features ..