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K-pop singer, performer and actor Kai inspires a line-up of ready-to-wear and accessories. His favorite animal, the teddy bear, mixes a strong associa..
K-pop singer, performer and actor Kai inspires a line-up of ready-to-wear and accessories. His favorite animal, the teddy bear, mixes a strong associa..
K-pop singer, performer and actor Kai inspires a line-up of ready-to-wear and accessories. His favorite animal, the teddy bear, mixes a strong associa..
A small structured Gucci Signature leather bag with a key lock closure pulled from the archives, the key is placed in a leather key case that loops ar..
A small structured Gucci Signature leather bag with a key lock closure pulled from the archives, the key is placed in a leather key case that loops ar..
Medium-size lightweight carryall made with our innovative reversible leather, patented exclusively to Gucci.Medium size: 15"W x 11"H x 5"DHandles with..
Medium-size lightweight carryall made with our innovative reversible leather, patented exclusively to Gucci.Medium size: 15"W x 11"H x 5"DHandles with..
Botanical details appear each season, reflecting the House's fascination with the beauty of the natural world. Here, a delicate carnation pattern in n..
The Interlocking G has remained one of the most symbolic codes of the House since its introduction. The distinguishing emblem appears as a leather det..