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A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A compact shoulder bag with a leather tassel zipper pull. Sized to fit the necessities. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Small size: 8"W x 6"H..
A large Soho hobo in our light, natural grain leather with an embossed interlocking G.Large size: 14"W x 12"H x 6"DTop handles with 7" dropAdjustable ..
A large Soho hobo in our light, natural grain leather with an embossed interlocking G.Large size: 14"W x 12"H x 6"DTop handles with 7" dropAdjustable ..
A large Soho hobo in our light, natural grain leather with an embossed interlocking G.Large size: 14"W x 12"H x 6"DTop handles with 7" dropAdjustable ..
A medium size Soho shoulder bag with double chain shoulder straps and an embossed interlocking G. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Medium size..
Our Soho chain shoulder bag, with a flap closure and leather tassel. Made in our signature lightweight leather, noted for its softness and elasticity...
A medium size Soho shoulder bag with double chain shoulder straps and an embossed interlocking G. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Medium size..
Our Soho chain shoulder bag, with a flap closure and leather tassel. Made in our signature lightweight leather, noted for its softness and elasticity...
A medium size Soho shoulder bag with double chain shoulder straps and an embossed interlocking G. Made in our light, natural grain leather.Medium size..
Our Soho chain shoulder bag, with a flap closure and leather tassel. Made in our signature lightweight leather, noted for its softness and elasticity...
A playful mix of House codes, the Sylvie shoulder bag combines a gold metal chain and buckle with contrasting Web stripe details. The signature Gucci ..
A playful mix of House codes, the Sylvie shoulder bag combines a gold metal chain and buckle with contrasting Web stripe details. The signature Gucci ..
The Sylvie mini bag in a top handle shape with nylon Web embedded under the fabric and decorated with a gold chain and buckle. The metal buckle closur..
The Sylvie mini bag in a top handle shape with nylon Web embedded under the fabric and decorated with a gold chain and buckle. The metal buckle closur..