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Gucci Ophidia small shoulder bag blue 550622

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of a small shoulder bag with a leather top handle and detachable Web shoulder strap. Crafted in blu..

$219.00 Ex Tax: $219.00

Gucci Ophidia small shoulder bag red suede 503877

Crafted in suede with inlaid Web stripe detail, the chain strap shoulder bag boasts a vintage inspired design. The structured shape secures with a mag..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci Ophidia small shoulder bag white 503877

The small chain Ophidia shoulder bag is introduced in a new iteration for Pre-Fall 2019, crafted from black leather with inlaid green and red Web stri..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci Ophidia small top handle bag with Web 651055

The world of Ophidia continues to evolve with new iterations each season. The top handle bag is presented as part of the Epilogue collection with a de..

$239.00 Ex Tax: $239.00

Gucci Ophidia small top handle bag with Web 651055 black

The world of Ophidia continues to evolve with new iterations each season. The top handle bag is presented as part of the Epilogue collection with a de..

$249.00 Ex Tax: $249.00

Gucci Ophidia small top handle bag with Web 651055 white

The world of Ophidia continues to evolve with new iterations each season. The top handle bag is presented as part of the Epilogue collection with a de..

$249.00 Ex Tax: $249.00

Gucci Ophidia small tote bag black 547551

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of a small top handle tote with a detachable shoulder strap. Crafted in black suede and patent leat..

$209.00 Ex Tax: $209.00

Gucci Ophidia small tote bag black leather 547551

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of the small top handle tote in black leather. Equipped with a detachable shoulder strap and inlaid..

$209.00 Ex Tax: $209.00

Gucci Ophidia small tote bag brown 547551

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of a small top handle tote with a detachable shoulder strap. Crafted in black suede and patent leat..

$209.00 Ex Tax: $209.00

Gucci Ophidia small tote bag red 547551

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of a small top handle tote with a detachable shoulder strap. Crafted in black suede and patent leat..

$209.00 Ex Tax: $209.00

Gucci Ophidia small tote bag white leather 547551

The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of the small top handle tote in black leather. Equipped with a detachable shoulder strap and inlaid..

$209.00 Ex Tax: $209.00

Gucci Ophidia soft GG Supreme large tote 519335

Gucci Ophidia soft GG Supreme large tote 519335First used in the 1970s, the GG logo was an evolution of the original Gucci rhombi design from the 1930..

$219.00 Ex Tax: $219.00

Gucci Original GG diaper bag tote 155524-1060

Gucci Original GG diaper bag tote 155524-1060gucci diaper bagAll bag come with dust bag and card5AAAAA quality,mirror quality,top qualityBlack Origina..

$139.00 Ex Tax: $139.00

Gucci Original GG diaper bag tote 155524-9791

Gucci Original GG diaper bag tote 155524-9791gucci diaper bagAll bag come with dust bag and card5AAAAA quality,mirror quality,top qualityBeige Or..

$139.00 Ex Tax: $139.00

Gucci Ottilia leather small top handle black 488715

Printed insects-beetles, moths, ladybugs and butterflies-are organized and numbered as they would appear in a display case, a part of Gucci’s anti-m..

$299.00 Ex Tax: $299.00

Gucci Padlock GG Blooms shoulder bag blue 409487

A small structured GG Supreme bag with a key lock closure pulled from the archives, the key is placed in a leather key case that loops around the chai..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci Padlock GG Blooms shoulder bag rose 409487

A small structured Blooms print GG Supreme canvas bag with our key lock closure. The sliding chain strap can be worn multiple ways, changing between a..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci Padlock GG Supreme shoulder bag black 453189

A new shape from the Padlock collection, this medium shoulder bag has a flap closure with a key lock pulled straight from the archives. The key is pla..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci Padlock GG Supreme shoulder bag black-brown 409487

A small structured GG Supreme canvas bag with a leather top and our key lock closure. The sliding chain strap can be worn multiple ways, changing betw..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci Padlock GG Supreme shoulder bag red-brown 409487

A small structured GG Supreme canvas bag with a leather top and our key lock closure. The sliding chain strap can be worn multiple ways, changing betw..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00