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Presented on the Fall Winter 2018 runway, this matelassé shoulder bag is made up of laminated silver leather and mixes a sportswear-inspired feel wit..
Animals thrive in the Alchemist's Garden-a magical wellspring of signs and symbols that influence the Fall Winter 2017 collection. Metal cicadas, bees..
A special limited edition boston bag, featuring red leather trims and embroideries on GG Supreme. The appliqués feature a kingsnake and heart and flo..
A special limited edition boston bag, featuring red leather trims and embroideries on GG Supreme. The appliqués feature a kingsnake and heart and flo..
A special limited edition tote, featuring red leather trims and embroideries. Made in soft GG Supreme, a softer version of GG Supreme canvas, crafted ..
The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap ca..
First introduced in the '70s, the Double G decorates a softly structured leather tote bag. A favorite decade of the Creative Director, details from th..
First introduced in the '70s, the Double G decorates a softly structured leather tote bag. A favorite decade of the Creative Director, details from th..
A line of accessories and ready-to-wear is presented for Pre-Fall 2020 made from recycled materials and trims, supporting the House's commitment to su..
The zippered cosmetic bag is introduced within the Ophidia collection in GG Supreme canvas with brown leather trim. First used in the 1970s, the GG lo..
The world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of this medium top handle bag crafted in GG Supreme canvas with inlaid green and red Web stripe. De..
Imbued with retro-inspired references, the world of Ophidia evolves with the introduction of a medium top handle bag defined by a squared shape that r..
The structured tote has become a mainstay of Gucci's collections. Introduced to the world of Ophidia, the top handle bag is crafted in GG Supreme canv..
A cult fabric is imagined through the Gucci lens with the emblematic monogram motif. A part of the Ouverture collection, the Ophidia is presented in o..
Inspired by vintage styles, the mini Ophidia bag is presented with a soft construction and enamelled monogram detail. Here, the accessory is presented..