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First developed by Gucci in the 1950s, the Web stripe continues to pay homage to the House's roots and equestrian influences, inspired by the strap th..
A collection of vintage inspired bags speaks to the contemporary voyager, trimmed with the House Web stripe. Made in GG Supreme canvas with yellow lea..
A small boston bag shape in our GG Supreme canvas. The handles have been hand-stitched with a padded base.Small size: 11"W x 7"H x 6"DDouble handles w..
Incredibly malleable, this tote is made in soft GG Supreme, a softer version of GG Supreme canvas, crafted from a coated microfiber fabric with the GG..
Presented in a petite rectangular shape, the Gucci Horsebit 1955 mini bag is introduced in the House's monogram canvas. Inspired by archival designs, ..
Presented in a petite rectangular shape, the Gucci Horsebit 1955 mini bag is introduced for Pre-Fall 2019 in black leather. Inspired by archival desig..
Petite versions of the Gucci Horsebit 1955 add a hybrid twist to the vintage inspired line. Enriched with two different shoulder straps, the black lea..
Petite versions of the Gucci Horsebit 1955 add a hybrid twist to the vintage inspired line. Enriched with two different shoulder straps, the mini bag�..
Petite versions of the Gucci Horsebit 1955 add a hybrid twist to the vintage inspired line. Enriched with two different shoulder straps, the mini bag�..
Petite versions of the Gucci Horsebit 1955 add a hybrid twist to the vintage inspired line. Enriched with two different shoulder straps, the white lea..
The Gucci Horsebit 1955 has a domed shape with an optional leather shoulder strap. A mini version of the top handle style, presented in black leather,..
A new introduction to the Gucci Horsebit 1955 line, the mini top handle is crafted from the House's monogram canvas with contrasting brown leather det..
A new introduction to the Gucci Horsebit 1955 line, the mini top handle is crafted from the House's monogram canvas with contrasting white leather det..
The Gucci Horsebit 1955 has a domed shape with an optional leather shoulder strap. A mini version of the top handle style, presented in white leather,..
Crafted from the House's monogram canvas with a matching brown leather trim, the bag's rectangular shape adds vintage appeal to the mini bag. Styles p..
Designed with rounded edges and a soft shape, the tote bag is introduced to the Gucci Horsebit 1955 collection for Spring Summer 2020. Made from GG Su..
Designed with rounded edges and a soft shape, the tote bag is introduced to the Gucci Horsebit 1955 collection for Spring Summer 2020. Made from GG Su..
Presented as part of the Epilogue collection, the world of Jackie 1961 is enriched with a tote bag with detachable shoulder strap. Presented in black ..
Presented as part of the Epilogue collection, the world of Jackie 1961 is enriched with a tote bag with detachable shoulder strap. Presented in black ..
The reintroduction of the Jackie bag for Fall Winter 2020 presents a new take on a historical Gucci icon. First created in 1961, the bag was often pho..