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Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag small velvet black 443497

The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap ca..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag small velvet dark blue 443497

The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap ca..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag small velvet purple 443497

The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap ca..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag small velvet red 443497

The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap ca..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag small white 447632

The small GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and a zip top closure with the Double G hardware. The chain shoulder strap has a..

$169.00 Ex Tax: $169.00

Gucci GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag white 443496

The medium GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G hardware. The sliding chain strap c..

$239.00 Ex Tax: $239.00

Gucci GG Marmont messenger bag 523369

A versatile shape originally inspired by mail carriers, postmen, and bicycle couriers, the messenger bag became a popular item in 80s urban streetwear..

$219.00 $169.00 Ex Tax: $169.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744 8561

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744 8561The mini GG Marmont chain shoulder bag is reimagined with a strong logo connotation for Spring Summer 2020, trimm..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744 9772

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744 9772The mini GG Marmont chain shoulder bag is reimagined with a strong logo connotation for Spring Summer 2020, trimm..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744-6433

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 446744-6433The mini GG Marmont chain shoulder bag has a softly structured shape and an oversized flap closure with Double G ..

$179.00 Ex Tax: $179.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 Black

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 Black Crafted from black matelassé leather, the mini bag has a vertical design with a zipper closure and interior ca..

$149.00 Ex Tax: $149.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 Pink

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 PinkCrafted from black matelassé leather, the mini bag has a vertical design with a zipper closure and interior card..

$149.00 Ex Tax: $149.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 Red

Gucci GG Marmont mini bag 598597 RedCrafted from black matelassé leather, the mini bag has a vertical design with a zipper closure and interior card ..

$149.00 Ex Tax: $149.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bucket bag black 575163

The world of GG Marmont expands with the introduction of a mini bucket bag shape crafted from matelassé leather in a vibrant tone of red. Inspired by..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini bucket bag red 575163

The world of GG Marmont expands with the introduction of a mini bucket bag shape crafted from matelassé leather in a vibrant tone of red. Inspired by..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini chain bag 546581 black

The GG Marmont mini chain bag has a softly structured slim shape and three zippered compartments. Made in matelassé leather with a chevron design and..

$189.00 Ex Tax: $189.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini chain bag 546581 dusty pink

The GG Marmont mini chain bag has a softly structured slim shape and three zippered compartments. Made in matelassé leather with a chevron design and..

$189.00 Ex Tax: $189.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini chain bag 546581 red

The GG Marmont mini chain bag has a softly structured slim shape and three zippered compartments. Made in matelassé leather with a chevron design and..

$189.00 Ex Tax: $189.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini matelassé shoulder bag brown 446744

A message about leaving fashion’s old rules behind, Epilogue conveys the idea that pieces should be timeless–not just in fashion for one season. T..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00

Gucci GG Marmont mini matelassé shoulder bag light blue 446744

A message about leaving fashion’s old rules behind, Epilogue conveys the idea that pieces should be timeless–not just in fashion for one season. T..

$199.00 Ex Tax: $199.00