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Displayed on a light blue felted cotton hooded sweatshirt, the "Gucci Band" motto, a recurring phrase of the Cruise 2020 collection, is matched with s..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
For Fall Winter 2017, artist Coco Capitán collaborated with Gucci on a special range of accessories and ready-to-wear that feature her signature phra..
For Fall Winter 2017, artist Coco Capitán collaborated with Gucci on a special range of accessories and ready-to-wear that feature her signature phra..
Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci vintage logo in an unexpected way, inspired by vintage prints from the eighties. Presented on the front of a felt..
Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci vintage logo in an unexpected way, inspired by vintage prints from the eighties. Presented on the front of a felt..