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Ready to start 'feline' yourself? With a cat logo print at the chest, this hoodie from Gucci is here to help you get your claws of the closet of your ..
Crafted from brushed wool mohair, the jacquard cardigan features an allover macro GG pattern on both sides, in reverse colors. An established symbol o..
A pop take of the classic Gucci logo combines with the colorful cat print, a recurring motif of the Fall Winter 2020 collection. The sweatshirt is pre..
Reminiscent of a vintage tracksuit, this hooded sweatshirt features a front zip detail and contrast red piping. Emblematic House codes, like the green..
Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
Inspired by retro sportswear, the zip-up jacket is presented in a bi-colour technical jersey and emphasized by a contrast piping. Reminiscent of logo ..
An essential fabric seen throughout ready-to-wear and accessories, Double G jacquard wool is reworked in blue and beige in this cardigan. The latest c..
Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
A playful take on House codes, green, red and white stripes reminiscent of the classic Web combine with the Interlocking G logo atop this black felted..
This cotton jersey T-shirt is part of The North Face x Gucci collection, a collaboration connecting two brands with similar history and values in cele..
The House's vintage logo is paired with the playful image of Mickey Mouse in this grey cotton jersey hooded sweatshirt. In celebration of the Lunar Ne..
The House's vintage logo is paired with the playful image of Mickey Mouse in this pink cotton jersey sweatshirt, designed with an oversize fit. In cel..
The playful image of Mickey Mouse is displayed over the Gucci vintage logo and defines this white soft cotton T-shirt. In celebration of the Lunar New..
The House's vintage logo is paired with the playful image of Mickey Mouse in this pink cotton jersey T-shirt, designed with an oversize fit. In celebr..
The House's vintage logo is paired with the playful image of Mickey Mouse in this off-white cotton jersey T-shirt, designed with an oversize fit. In c..
The playful image of Mickey Mouse is displayed over the Gucci vintage logo and defines this white soft cotton T-shirt. In celebration of the Lunar New..