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Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
Imbued with a playful spirit, legendary Disney characters continue to enrich the House's narrative. Donald Duck adds a whimsical feel to signature sha..
Mixing solid ivory with green and red, the distinctive colors of the House, these jogging pants are imbued with a vintage, sportswear inspired feel an..
Mixing solid ivory with green and red, the distinctive colors of the House, this jersey zip-up sweatshirt is imbued with a vintage, sportswear inspire..
In white and green striped knit cotton, the cardigan is presented in a relaxed shape with a new interpretation of the GG patch on the front. Influence..
Classic knitwear is reimagined with refined details and emblematic House codes. Crafted from ivory knit cotton, this sweater has red and blue stripes ..
Recurrent elements of the Pre-Fall 2020 collection, animals and the "Gucci Hawaii" motto combine in the playful jacquard motif that decorates this car..
Recurrent elements of the Pre-Fall 2020 collection, animals and the "Gucci Hawaii" motto combine in the playful jacquard motif that decorates this cre..
A statement print defines this hooded sweatshirt, crafted from black heavy felted cotton jersey and specifically washed for a vintage effect. The bold..
A statement print defines this hooded sweatshirt, crafted from black heavy felted cotton jersey and specifically washed for a vintage effect. The bold..
This printed cotton sweatshirt is part of The North Face x Gucci collection, a collaboration connecting two brands with similar history and values in ..
The Gucci vintage logo is refashioned with a minimalistic approach and an unexpected, vertical placement. The '80s inspired print contrasts a washed c..
The Gucci vintage logo is refashioned with a minimalistic approach and an unexpected, vertical placement. The '80s inspired print contrasts a washed c..