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The Fall Winter 2019 fashion show inspires a line-up of T-shirts and sweatshirts,featuring mask prints in different colors and shapes, reproducing the..
A statement print for Spring Summer 2020, the "Gucci Sexiness" motto embodies the mood of the collection, influenced by the idea of freedom that fashi..
The whimsical lamb print defines a black felted cotton jersey sweatshirt,designed with a fixed hood and oversize fit.A playful design emphasized by th..
Mixing solid black with green and red, the distinctive colors of the House, the oversize jacket is imbued with a vintage, sportswear inspired feel and..
Mixing solid black with green and red, the distinctive colors of the House, the nylon pant is imbued with a vintage, sportswear inspired feel and enri..
Why not zip yourself into something a little more ... stylish? Just like this blue cotton blend logo tape zip-front bomber jacket from Gucci. Or - exa..
A windbreaker reimagined in cotton canvas reinforces the concept of hybridization explored in the latest collections. Crafted from a lightweight mater..
Imbued with a nautical feel, this jacket combines the silhouette of a windbreaker with Saharianas' defining fabric, cotton canvas, reinforcing the con..
A distinctive detail of Gucci's latest collections, the Interlocking G stripe runs down the sleeves of this hooded sweatshirt, crafted from green cott..
A distinctive detail of Gucci's latest collections, the Interlocking G stripe runs down the sleeves of this hooded sweatshirt, crafted from green cott..
A distinctive detail of Gucci's latest collections, the Interlocking G stripe runs down the sleeves of this hooded sweatshirt, crafted from green cott..
A distinctive detail of the Cruise 2020 collection, the Interlocking G stripe runs down the sides of this jogging pant, crafted from black technical j..
A distinctive detail of the Cruise 2020 collection, the Interlocking G stripe runs down the sleeves of this oversize jacket, crafted from black techni..
What could be better than the humble sweatshirt? This. This blue cotton logo print sweatshirt from Gucci. Time for an upgrade. Featuring a ribbed roun..
Not your average track jacket, this black cotton design from Gucci is decorated with miniature perforations alongside braided trims of the brand's sig..