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Gucci Wool cable-knitted sweater with crest 474110 X9A04

Alessandro Michele infuses his individual aesthetic into traditional designs. The cable-knitted wool cardigan is trimmed with stripe details that repr..

$139.00 Ex Tax: $139.00

Gucci Wool knit sweater with bat embroidery 487086 X9M32

The theme of the collection was the imaginary Alchemist's Garden, a mystical place filled with peculiar and ornate details. This wool knit sweater has..

$159.00 Ex Tax: $159.00

Gucci Wool sweater with fawn 527212

A playful fawn intarsia in pastel colors adds a whimsical touch to this wool sweater. The Gucci logo is embroidered at the bottom in a handwritten sty..

$169.00 Ex Tax: $169.00

Gucci Wool sweater with shark 523042

The shark is incorporated into the Pre-Fall 2018 collection, paying tribute to the animal world associated with Gucci.Red wool knitShark intarsiaGucci..

$159.00 Ex Tax: $159.00

Gucci Wool sweater with teddy bear 523013

French art and designer Nathalie Lété creates images centered on themes of fantasy, humor and childhood memories. This teddy bear intarsia encapsula..

$169.00 Ex Tax: $169.00

Guccy cotton T-shirt 493117 X3N19

Displayed in the graphic font of SEGA, the new Guccy logo summons the atmosphere of eighties arcades, with colorful screens, robotic sounds and coin-o..

$79.00 Ex Tax: $79.00

Oversize Gucci-Dapper Dan T-shirt 493117

Introducing the Gucci-Dapper Dan collection for Fall Winter 2018. In the ‘80s and ‘90s, Dapper Dan, a well-known Harlem designer invented his own ..

$79.00 Ex Tax: $79.00

T-shirt with Gucci Tennis pink 580762

T-shirt with Gucci Tennis pink 5807624016 higher 213-1Enhancing a pink cotton jersey T-shirt, the Gucci Tennis embroidery is inspired by the House's a..

$79.00 Ex Tax: $79.00

T-shirt with Gucci Tennis white 580762

T-shirt with Gucci Tennis pink 5807624016 higher 213-1Enhancing an off-white cotton jersey T-shirt, the Gucci Tennis embroidery is inspired by the Hou..

$79.00 Ex Tax: $79.00