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The Fall Winter 2018 runway show space reflected the stark environment of an operating room, emulating the theme of the collection where reconstructin..
Gucci Oversize Tshirt with Paul Veyne print 539081 xmfPrinted on this ivory cotton jersey oversize T-shirt is a quote by historian and archeologist Pa..
The panther, thought to be a symbol of fearlessness, is shown here with embroidered rays with sequin "Blind For Love" appliqué.Violet cotton jersey w..
Referencing the initials of the House's founder Guccio Gucci, the GG embroidery decorates the front of this red polo, crafted from stretch cotton piqu..
The white Gucci print contrasts a green background on this cotton jersey oversize T-shirt. For Cruise 2020, the vintage inspired House logo is refashi..
The white Gucci print contrasts a red background on this cotton jersey oversize T-shirt. For Cruise 2020, the vintage inspired House logo is refashion..
The 80s continue to influence the Spring Summer 2018 collection with new interpretations of the Gucci logo, like the vintage inspired Interlocking G b..
A relaxed knit cardigan with three-quarter length oversize sleeves trimmed in blue and red stripes. Filled with influences from the 60s and 70s, the P..
A relaxed T-shirt style made in washed cotton jersey with small holes in the fabric for a vintage effect. Gucci with a stamp effect is printed on the ..
Gucci stars and moon tshirt 580968xhfA key element for Pre-Fall 2019, the star and moon pattern in metallic gold decorates the Gucci T-shirt. A colorf..
Gucci strawberry tshirt 539081Recalling the colorful prints from the '70s, the Gucci Strawberry motif appears throughout the Spring Summer 2019 collec..
A hooded zip up sweatshirt with the Gucci stripe down the sleeves. Streetwear continues to be a defining feature of Gucci's collections and is often j..
The tiger represents a powerful energy and brings new life to this wool knitted top.Blue and white merino wool stripesEmbroidered tiger head appliqué..