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Gucci Laminated jersey shorts 553948Iridescent laminated jersey adds a glittering effect to basketball shorts, completed by the Gucci jacquard stripe ..
The now classic T-shirt silhouette with the "Hollywood" embroidery, a reference to the Hollywood Forever cemetery in LA. The leopard is printed with r..
The baiadera stripe was originally inspired by the flowing dresses of Indian dancers and is brought back from the House's archives and reinterpreted w..
A relaxed silhouette with the Gucci logo down the sides accompanied by interlocking G. Street style continues to play into the Gucci narrative often i..
A relaxed T-shirt style made in washed cotton jersey with small holes in the fabric for a vintage effect. The front depicts the Gucci vintage logo, wh..
In a more opulent version of the Gucci vintage logo, this sweatshirt has crystal rays embroidered onto the sleeves. The rays of sparkling crystals tha..
The dragon is a powerful image introduced by Gucci's Creative Director which speaks to the House's new connection with mystical creatures. The dragon ..
Inspired by vintage prints from the eighties, the Gucci vintage logo is brought back to the forefront. The retro-style motif is paired with the green-..
The Gucci logo is brought back to the forefront, inspired by vintage prints from the eighties. The retro-style motif is presented on the oversize swea..
A patchwork design in suede and velvet enriched with shiny beads, the "Spiritismo" appliqué adds a whimsical accent, further enhanced with leather dr..
Enriched with beads and crystals, the colorful metallic leather accents are in the shape of phoenix feathers and wrap around the shoulders of this ove..
Inspired by vintage prints from the eighties, the Gucci vintage logo is brought back to the forefront. The retro-style motif is paired with standing t..
The use of Guccy was inspired by tags on Instagram which led the Creative Director to introduce new ways of referencing the House name. The T-shirt is..
gucci star tshirt black 546650fearofsoulIn a style that recalls the logos used for '80s rock bands, "Gucci Loved" is presented in a heavy metal inspir..
Oversized printed sweatshirt. The back has GUCCI prints. Through collaboration with Japanese cartoonist Chika Ide and Gucci, a youth comic "Viva! Voll..
In honor of the Chinese calendar's year of the dog, depictions of the Creative Director's Boston terriers appear throughout the Cruise 2018 collection..
Gucci merino knitted cardigan 411610 4098xhfA merino knitted cardigan with Web and lamé detail.Blue extra fine merinoGG logoGreen and red Web trimmin..
A merino wool knitted cardigan with Web and lurex detail.White extra fine merino woolBlue and red Web trimming on neck, cuffs and bottom with gold lur..