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Imbued with references to vintage American sportswear, this felt coat embodies the preppy influence of the collection. Trimmed with leather details on..
The intricate leaf rebrodé design gives a nod to the past in the Gucci bomber silhouette. The logo is reintroduced through a sentimental lens: displa..
Gucci GG canvas jogging pant 569769BB99Part of the concept of hybridization permeating the House's narrative universe, this jogging pant is crafted fr..
The sweatshirt continues to be an important streetwear silhouette. For Cruise 2018, a new and unexpected take on the logo, "Guccify," is presented as ..
Gucci Hooded sweatshirt with GG apple print 610160 BlackjjIn a pop inspired reinterpretation of a classic House code, the GG motif forms the image of ..
Gucci Hooded sweatshirt with GG apple print 610160 WhitejjIn a pop inspired reinterpretation of a classic House code, the GG motif forms the image of ..
Gucci hooded sweatshirt with gucci Tennis 572808xhfEnhancing a pink cotton hooded sweatshirt, the Gucci Tennis embroidery is inspired by the House's a..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..