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A chunky cable knit cardigan has bold stripes in colors that are reminiscent of the Web. The preppy influence, a style that can be traced back to the ..
Gucci chenille jogging pant 581088xhfCrafted in cotton chenille, the jogging pant is presented in blue with blue and pink striped knit rib trim. Sport..
The bee is an archival code first introduced in Gucci ready-to-wear in the 1970s. Here it is embroidered onto the chest of a polo shirt with a contras..
A cotton polo with a contrast collar and trim. The Gucci stripe speaks to the athletic influence of this collection, melding sportswear details with p..
A soft sweatshirt with the Black Cat and text from the "Goldfish Dream" print. The text is by American artist Jonathan Borofsky, who throughout the 70..
The Gucci vintage logo, inspired by prints from the 1980s, is reinterpreted in an iridescent print. The Gucci logo continues to be a defining feature ..
Fascinated with outer space, Alessandro Michele incorporates intergalactic motifs like the UFO and planets into the Pre-Fall 2017 2017 2017 collection..
For the Gucci Cruise 2018 collection, the Creative Director introduced a new way of writing the House name - Guccy, Guccify, Guccification - influence..
An oversize sweatshirt with intricate floral embroideries along the front and across the back hood.Black technical jerseyMulticolor Web stripes down t..
Inspired by nature, Alessandro Michele imbues his collections with animal and floral motifs. The Kingsnake emerges as one of his most recognizable det..
A special collection of denim styles are introduced for Cruise 2018. These shorts include a special "Soave Amore," which translates to "a delicate lov..
An oversize sweatshirt with intricate floral embroideries along the front and across the back hood.Black technical jerseyMulticolor Web stripes down t..
This oversize cotton cardigan has knitted Web detailing and an embroidered "Loved" appliqué on the back.Dark blue cottonBlue and red Web wool detail ..
Opulent details, like glimmering feather and drop appliques, wrap around the shoulders of this sequin embroidered jacket. Retro silhouettes paired wit..