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A metal box opens to expose a thread holder, scented paper, candles and matches layered on top of one another and placed over the Spring Summer 2018 i..
The playful image of Mickey Mouse is displayed over the Gucci vintage logo and defines this fuchsia soft cotton T-shirt. In celebration of the Lunar N..
The sweatshirt continues to be a silhouette favored by Creative Director Alessandro Michele. The sportswear inspired style is made from a technical je..
A wool sweater with "Blind for Love" intarsia on the front. The phrase has become synonymous with Gucci and is the evolution of the original "L'Aveugl..
A white oversize tee with a contrast red print. The print says "Soave Amore," which translates to "a delicate love," words from the first-century BC L..
The theme of the Fall Winter 2017 collection was the Alchemist's Garden, an imaginary garden filled with peculiar and ornate details. This cotton polo..
A wool knit sweater with the House bee intarsia on the front-a Gucci motif originally used in the 70s. The brown lurex trim gives unexpected contrast...
Gucci big G logo tshirt 539080Presented on the front of an oversize felted cotton jersey T-shirt, treated for a distressed effect, the Gucci vintage l..
Gucci Billy Idol tshirt 548335 in black091 176A homage to Billy Idol, the singer, songwriter and actor's logo decorates a Gucci T-shirt shown on the C..
Gucci Billy Idol tshirt Purple print 548335091 176A homage to Billy Idol, the singer, songwriter and actor's logo decorates a Gucci T-shirt shown on t..
Gucci Billy Idol tshirt 548335091 176A homage to Billy Idol, the singer, songwriter and actor's logo decorates a Gucci T-shirt shown on the Cruise 201..
Gucci Billy Idol tshirt 548335 in White091 176A homage to Billy Idol, the singer, songwriter and actor's logo decorates a Gucci T-shirt shown on the C..
In honor of the Chinese calendar's year of the dog, depictions of the Creative Director's Boston terriers appear throughout the Cruise 2018 collection..
From forgotten childhood memories, cartoon characters, like the face of Bugs Bunny, animate the front of this black oversize cotton sweatshirt. Guccy,..
From forgotten childhood memories, cartoon characters, like the face of Bugs Bunny, animate the front of this black cotton T-shirt. Guccy, an ironic t..
An oversize cable knit sweater with a v-neck. Unexpected details like the twisted knit neckline and gold lurex trim speak to the current Gucci narrati..