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From forgotten childhood memories, cartoon characters, like the face of Bugs Bunny, animate an array of silhouettes. Guccy, an ironic take on the Hous..
The Kingsnake emerges as one of Alessandro Michele's signature details, adding an eclectic and unexpected touch to classic silhouettes. The embroidere..
The image of the Angry Cat-strongly represented in the Pre-Fall 2017 collection-is embroidered and applied to the front of the cotton T-shirt. Along t..
Gucci oversize cotton polo shirt with feathers 580859xhfAqua green feather trims add an extravagant feel to a cotton polo. Vintage sportswear inspires..
Imbued with references to vintage American sportswear, this felt bomber embodies the preppy influence of the Fall Winter 2017 collection. Trimmed with..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Oversized printed sweatshirt. The back has GUCCI prints. Through collaboration with Japanese cartoonist Chika Ide and Gucci, a youth comic "Viva! Voll..
The image of Bosco and Orso, the beloved companions of the Creative Director, continue to make a playful appearance throughout the Pre-Fall 2018 colle..
Developed by the Creative Director's fascination with outer space, the shooting star is presented throughout the Pre-Fall 2018 collection. The bright ..
Soaked in a nostalgic dream, the Spring Summer 2018 collection draws inspiration from forgotten childhood memories and combines vintage cartoons with ..
An oversize sweatshirt with the 'Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!' print. The print is from the 1965 American film directed by Russ Meyer and co-written ..
This viscose jersey dress is part of the Pre-Fall 2018 theme that sets a new standard for daywear dressing in blocks of color. The feline head is insp..
Mixing imagery from classic pieces of art with characters dressed in the House's colorful designs, the digital illustrations created by Spanish artist..
Mixing imagery from classic artworks with characters dressed in the House's colorful designs, the digital illustrations created by Spanish artist Igna..
A tiger-sphinx creature wearing sparkling crystal-studded shades and a headpiece from the Spring Summer 2018 runway. Now featured in a special capsule..
Three women dressed in flamboyant looks designed by Alessandro Michele for the Spring Summer 2018 collection star in Ignasi Monreal's digital illustra..
Mermaids on a rock wearing the ice skater inspired gowns from the Spring Summer 2018 collection by Alessandro Michele. Now featured in a special capsu..