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A classic t-shirt style made in washed cotton jersey with small holes in the fabric for a vintage effect. Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci logo in..
A classic t-shirt style made in washed cotton jersey with small holes in the fabric for a vintage effect. Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci logo in..
A special collection of clothing and accessories designed with inspiration from KAI, a K-POP singer, dancer, and actor. With the motif of his beloved ..
A special collection of clothing and accessories designed with inspiration from KAI, a K-POP singer, dancer, and actor. With the motif of his beloved ..
A special collection of clothing and accessories designed with inspiration from KAI, a K-POP singer, dancer, and actor. With the motif of his beloved ..
A special collection of clothing and accessories designed with inspiration from KAI, a K-POP singer, dancer, and actor. With the motif of his beloved ..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
T-shirt with Gucci Blade print 565806 white weA slightly heavier quality of cotton jersey defines the T-shirts for Spring Summer 2019,resulting in an ..
A combination of historical elements that speak to Gucci's heritage, like the Horsebit and the Web, the Boutique print has an intrinsic vintage feel. ..
For Pre-Fall 2018 new styles are explored by incorporating original design elements and highlighting emblematic symbols like the GG. The pattern is di..
First used in the 1970s, the GG logo was an evolution of the original Gucci rhombi design from the 1930s, and from then it's been an established symbo..
An oversize sweater that was shown on the Fall Winter 2018 runway. The intarsia displayed on the front is from the Gucci collaboration with Japanese a..
Spanish illustrator Ignasi Monreal was commissioned by Gucci to reinterpret the House motifs and products in his own vision and media. Ignasi Monreal ..
Taking design inspiration from vintage postcards, this print combines an eye, the word "Amour," the number 25 and "Gucci" and was specially developed ..
Ambiguous terms and phrases are often incorporated into the ready-to-wear collection in blunt fonts. The phrase "Copie delle Copie delle Idee" is form..