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Gucci Manifesto sweatshirt 569828 1007xhfThe Fall Winter 2019 fashion show inspires a line-up of T-shirts and sweatshirts, featuring mask prints in di..
Gucci Manifesto sweatshirt 569828 9912xhfThe Fall Winter 2019 fashion show inspires a line-up of T-shirts and sweatshirts, featuring mask prints in di..
The Fall Winter 2019 fashion show inspires a line-up of T-shirts and sweatshirts,featuring mask prints in different colors and shapes, reproducing the..
The Fall Winter 2019 fashion show inspires a line-up of T-shirts and sweatshirts, featuring mask prints in different colors and shapes, reproducing th..
Featuring romantic mottos that have become synonymous with the House, a Gucci "Maison de l'Amour" and "Sine Amore Nihil" embroidery decorates the fron..
The Cruise 2020 collection brings '80s prints to the forefront, reimagining the Gucci vintage logo in a green and red macro embroidery, displayed on a..
The Cruise 2020 collection brings '80s prints to the forefront, reimagining the Gucci vintage logo in a green and red macro embroidery, displayed on a..
The whimsical lamb patch defines an ivory cotton jersey sweatshirt. A playful design emphasized by the Interlocking G logo, the animal motif is seen t..
The whimsical lamb patch defines an ivory cotton jersey sweatshirt. A playful design emphasized by the Interlocking G logo, the animal motif is seen t..
An oversize sweatshirt with sequin patches on the front. The patch is from the Gucci collaboration with Japanese artist Chikae Ide. The illustration i..
Gucci Oversize sweatshirt with tiger 469250 1230jjThe '80s inspired Gucci vintage logo continues to be a defining feature of the brand narrative, and ..
Designed with an oversize fit, the white cotton T-shirt is stonewashed for a vintage appearance.Reminiscent of prints from the '80s, the green and red..
The now recognizable oversize Gucci T-shirt continues to evolve with each new collection, the Interlocking G print is influenced by an '80s design fro..
The now recognizable oversize Gucci T-shirt continues to evolve with each new collection, the Interlocking G print is influenced by an '80s design fro..
The now recognizable oversize Gucci T-shirt continues to evolve with each new collection, the Interlocking G print is influenced by an '80s design fro..
The collection is imbued with references to punk, rock and gothic fashion, channeling the fashion show's spectral setting, the ancient Roman necropoli..