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A chunky cable knit oversize cardigan has bold stripes in colors that are reminiscent of the Web. The preppy influence, a style that can be traced bac..
A chunky knit cardigan with green and red Web detail and enamel buttons. Imbued with references to vintage American sportswear, this knit cardigan emb..
Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci vintage logo in an unexpected way, inspired by vintage prints from the eighties. Presented on the front of a felt..
Alessandro Michele updates the Gucci vintage logo in an unexpected way, inspired by vintage prints from the eighties. Presented on the front of a felt..
The Fall Winter 2018 runway show space reflected the stark environment of an operating room, emulating the theme of the collection where reconstructin..
The Fall Winter 2018 runway show space reflected the stark environment of an operating room, emulating the theme of the collection where reconstructin..
First used in the 1970s, the GG logo was an evolution of the original Gucci rhombi design from the 1930s, and from then it's been an established symbo..
Black felted cotton jerseyLaminated gold Gucci-Dapper Dan printInterior green and red Web Gucci-Dapper Dan labelThis item will be delivered in special..
The now recognizable Gucci sweatshirt continues to evolve with each new collection, the Interlocking G print is influenced by an '80s design from the ..
The now recognizable Gucci sweatshirt continues to evolve with each new collection, the Interlocking G print is influenced by an '80s design from the ..
What does your style say about you? Make your opinion heard with this black cotton Manifesto oversized T-shirt from Gucci with a striking graphic prin..
What does your style say about you? Make your opinion heard with this black cotton Manifesto oversized T-shirt from Gucci with a striking graphic prin..
The Gucci vintage logo, inspired by prints from the 1980s, is reinterpreted in a rainbow colored sequin embroidery.The House logo continues to be a de..